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  • Love Can Change the World

    Love Can Change the World

    Composed by Wilson Gault Somers and Joe Louden (Piano); A new composition with an emphasis on showing how one’s caring and love for others can help heal today’s world. The Jazz Christmas Choir, conducted by Wilson Somers, supporting lead vocalist, Johanna Schlect, Soprano.

  • Christo Redentor

    Christo Redentor

    Composed by Duke Pearson and Donald Byrd

    Jazz Christmas Choir conducted by Joe Louden; Jeff Dombchik, Vibraphone; Stan Slotter, Trumpet; Wilson Somers, Piano; Leon Spencer, Contrabass; Jonathan Whitney, Percussion. Wilson has wanted to perform this piece for some 20 years and does so at A Jazz Christmas, 2022.

  • Bethany's Blue Dragonfly

    Composed by Wilson Gault Somers (Piano); Stan Slotter, Flute; Leon Spencer, Contrabass; Jonathan Whitney, Percussion. Debut performance of this inspired, composed in memory of Bethany Somers.

  • Our Love is Here to Stay

    Composed by George and Ira Gershwin

    Duet by Joan and Wilson Somers (Piano); Leon Spencer, Contrabass; Jonathan Whitney, Percussion. The final composition by George Gershwin, with lyrics by brother Ira, this is a modern standard, and favorite of the group that will be one of yours too.